Will Smith Giant Leap

Do you know about Will Smith Giant Leap ? Yes the same MIB agent J actually had the craziest idea to celebrate his 50th birthday by doing a heli-jumping. Most of the people think birthday as getting one year older, but this American actor, producer, comedian, rapper and songwriter Will Smith decided to make it something unique and unforgotten.

Will Smith actually jumped from helicopter near Grand Canyon Arizona, All his fans are quite thrilled to see him in live action on TV and all major media channels shown this jump, some of them covered live too. He said to one reporter that he used to come in Grand Canyon, first he came to Grand Canyon in 1976 in a camper van. Then he feared of height and he always wanted to something exciting like jumping to overcome his fear of heights.

According to bungee experts in the video, Smith jumped from 550 feet and was held by 200 feet of active cord. Heli-jumping is one of the most dangerous types of bungee jumping because there’s no solid foundation.

“This is some of the most beautiful stuff I’ve ever seen in my life,” Smith said while still swinging over the chasm.

Smith said the bungee jump was a challenge from Yes Theory, a YouTube channel that makes videos of people doing activities outside of their comfort zone. But the event also raised money for charity through an online lottery for a chance to watch the jump in person. The proceeds will benefit access to education for children in struggling countries.